Yellow bouquet

Bring cheerful colors in your house and buy a bouquet of yellow flowers. Yellow? - Right, yellow flowers. Because a yellow bouquet is the symbol of joy, happiness and warmth. Perfect in cold, dark winter to lighten the mood or in summer to intensify those feelings of happiness. So buy yellow flowers for your own home or give away a bouquet of yellow flowers to brighten someone's day. A yellow bouquet is suitable for many occasions. Read more about the meaning of yellow flowers here. In doing so, some particularly popular varieties are removed and specially illuminated so that you can always find the perfect flowers for your occasion.

Meaning: yellow bouquet

A yellow bouquet is the color of the sun. The sun is often associated with feelings of happiness as it brightens and beautifies the day. The yellow flowers also radiate something similar: feelings such as happiness, joy, strength, happiness, warmth, optimism and energy are evoked. Not all yellow flowers have this positive meaning in themselves, more about that later. But with most yellow flowers, you don't need to worry about accidentally giving them a negative feeling. In addition to joy and happiness, pride, truth, clarity and friendship can also be conveyed with yellow flowers.

However, there are a number of yellow flowers that you can use to say something completely different. So that you don't inadvertently make a mistake, we present them here:

  • Yellow roses: these indicate jealousy and envy, so be careful with making a romantic gesture.
  • Yellow carnations: convey a certain disappointment and rejection, but are suitable, for example, to attract attention when you want to make a clear statement.
  • Yellow chrysanthemums: represent an unanswered love.
  • Yellow zinnias: represent memories.
  • Yellow camellias: express longing.

Of course, the fact that some yellow flowers have certain symbols does not mean that you can only give these flowers away in these situations. Because maybe the person receiving the gift doesn't even know the symbolism behind it, but thinks the flowers and their color are simply beautiful. However, if you would like to convey a certain message with the flowers, you can use the symbolism to strengthen your message.

Which flowers are yellow?

Happy, yellow flowers are in every season and are beautiful in every season. In summer you shine beautifully in the sunlight in your apartment, while in winter you light up the dark living room. Especially if you are in a somewhat depressed mood in the dark winter, the yellow flowers can put you in a better mood with their warmth, strength and optimism. In the following you can read which yellow flowers bloom in which season. So you will find beautiful yellow flowers for your bouquet in every season!

  • Yellow bouquet in winter: winter jasmine, winter lumps, witch hazel, yellow dwarf iris and yellow crocus.
  • Yellow bouquet in spring: onion flowers, tulip, yellow dwarf iris, imperial crown, crocus Dorothy, yellow-flowered ranunculus and yellow peony.
  • Yellow bouquet in summer: sun eye, garden marguerite, yellow rose, sunflower, chamomile.
  • Yellow bouquet in autumn: chrysanthemums, dahlias, autumn anemones, zinnias, sunflowers.

So there is a matching yellow flower for you every season. Below we will introduce you to the meanings of some popular yellow flowers and give you tips for giving away.

The sunflower

The sunflower is one of the most famous yellow flowers. When you say “yellow bouquet”, most people are sure to think of the sunflower first. And who doesn't love her? Imagine a whole field full of sunflowers. Isn't that a dream? In order to bring something of this wonderful feeling in your house or in the house of your friends, you have the possibility at Regionsflorist to order sunflower bouquets with, for example, 5, 10 or 20 flowers.

A sunflower looks like we imagine the sun: yellow and a round flower wheel, just like we look at our sun. That is why the sunflower stands for summer and a good mood. It is perfect to give away and to say "whenever I see you, the sun rises". This means that the sunflower exudes love, happiness and other positive feelings. These feelings are not necessarily connected to love, which is why the flowers can be given away in romantic relationships as well as to friends and family.

The yellow tulip and yellow rose

These two flowers can be compared to each other in terms of importance. The two radiate love and affection, but less strongly than the red variants. The rule is, the darker the color, the stronger the love. That is why yellow tulips or roses are more suitable for new, tender love, but they can also be given away in (close) friendships. When you give away tulips or roses with yellow flowers, you want to convey a general feeling of happiness and wordlessly convey your - platonic - love for the gift. They show that you value the person and like him or her a lot.

Yellow carnations

The history of carnations goes back a long time. While they are now popular as an ornamental plant, they were also used for health in the past. A clove tea brought relaxation and energy, which could bring you down from a stressful day. But the cloves were also suitable for medical applications, e.g. to relieve fever, stomach pain or skin problems.

The carnations mainly represent devotion, love, extraordinaryness and fascination, although the different colors each have their own meanings. The yellow carnations don't do the best, because they represent disappointment and rejection. If symbolism is very important to you or the person you are giving the flowers to, then you should be careful with the yellow carnations. Otherwise, the magnificent yellow flowers of the carnations get along beautifully in a yellow bouquet.


Finally, we're going to highlight the dahlias. This flower originally comes from Central and South America, but has also come over to Europe because it is often seen as an ornamental plant. Thanks to its special flowers in many different colors, including yellow, it is a real eye-catcher in the bouquet. Dahlias can also be combined with other yellow flowers such as roses, carnations or gerberas. So they make a nice addition to your yellow bouquet. With dahlias - as with most yellow flowers - you radiate joy and joie de vivre. In addition, dahlias also convey gratitude and it is an expression of feelings of happiness. So do you want to say thank you to someone? Or brighten someone's day? Then you are always right with dahlias.

Other colors in the yellow bouquet?

A yellow bouquet can also harmonize extremely well with other colors. If you combine it with orange, red, pink or other warm colors, you convey a very warm look with your bouquet. But you can also make it very colorful by adding all sorts of colors like purple, blue, red, orange, and white. However, if you are very enthusiastic about the yellow flowers, you can of course simply combine different shades of yellow.

For what occasion are yellow bouquets suitable?

You can give yellow flowers as gifts for a variety of occasions or buy them for yourself. If you are simply visiting a friend and you bring flowers, yellow flowers are always good as they convey a positive message. Therefore, they are also extremely suitable for a good get-well greeting. Because with the good recovery flowers you want to brighten the person's day and give someone a lot of strength, happiness and optimism. Just that, symbolizes a yellow bouquet, which is why they are very suitable here.

Another occasion is Mother's Day or Father's Day or Men's Day. If a bouquet of yellow flowers in this case is combined with pink, red and orange flowers, then at the same time they exude warmth, love, happiness and serenity. Perfect to surprise parents! A yellow bouquet is also very suitable for a birthday.

Differentiate yellow flowers from each other

Differentiating yellow flowers is sometimes not that easy. Because there are certain types of yellow flowers that are very similar to each other. When you are putting together or having a bouquet put together, it is nice to combine different types of flowers. The combination of different colors also creates a very atmospheric effect. We at Regionsflorist do this with passion, which is why you only receive the most beautiful bouquets with perfectly harmonizing flowers from us.

Buy yellow bouquet

A gift is not always easy to find, luckily you can make everyone happy with a bouquet from regional florists. A bouquet of yellow flowers from us is of high quality and can be delivered at a time of your choosing. In addition, you can easily add a gift to your order. We have a few little things that you can add as extra to the order, such as wine, chocolate or a practical vase.

Every season has an influence on the mood, flowers can play an important role in this. In winter, for example, you can embellish the living room with a yellow bouquet from regional florist. In addition, it is nice to use several bouquets of certain colors in the interior in the spring. If you are looking for a bouquet, stop looking and take a look at our wide range! We have a beautiful bouquet of yellow flowers for you for every occasion and / or season.