100 Red Roses

Why choose 100 red roses?

With a bouquet of 100 red roses you declare infinite love for the woman or the man of your life. Send a super large bouquet of Naomi red roses to that person you really love and want to live with. What a wonderful feeling for the recipient and for yourself.

What do 100 red roses mean?

When you give someone 100 long red roses, it means that you are telling that person that it is everlasting love for you. Surely getting eternal love from your partner is great.

100 red roses - red Naomi

Our large rose bouquets of 100 pieces are tied by professionals and come from the premium brand Red Naomi. Red Naomi roses are the most beautiful long roses with large buds. The roses have a light scent and are strong, so they will stay in the vase for a long time.

Our tall red roses from Red Naomi are on average between 60 and 70 cm tall.

How to care for 100 Naomi red roses

After receiving this large bouquet of red roses, you will clean a nice large vase. A drop of chlorine is best used to properly clean the vase so that the roses are not contaminated with "old" bacteria. Then cut the roses diagonally and fill the vase with fresh clean water.

With the roses you always get a nutrient bag that you should sprinkle in the clean water. Stir the water well and then place the 100 red roses in good sight of everyone. Because it can be seen that you got this amazing bunch from your loved one.

Free ticket with every large bouquet of roses

Don't forget to create some nice text on the card. Be original and create fun short text that will make the recipient smile. But don't think about it because the 100 red roses will do the rest.

When ordering, you can provide a card text free of charge. We make sure that this is delivered with the mega bouquet of red roses.

Free delivery of 100 red roses

Free delivery through the grower, we send the flowers in special packaging via DHL. Free delivery as we pay the shipping costs.

Select the desired delivery date

If you order 100 red roses, you can choose a delivery date. Decide for yourself on what date the 100 red roses should be delivered. By default, we ship 1 day before the selected delivery date and 95% of all deliveries arrive on the right day.